Thursday 15 October 2009

Today we made no-bake cookies, and apple dumplings, and Eleanor was busy busy busy as always, putting herself in charge and involving herself in every little detail of the processes. She kept asking me 'What are we making again?' and 'I want to mix it, I want to mix it!' and 'Can I mix this now?' We made the no-bake cookies first, then started on the apple dumplings. We were making the pastry, and were at the stage where one rubs the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles porridge oats. Well, Eleanor had seen this stage of pastry making before, because last Friday I had taught a cooking class to the Dyson girls on how to make pastry, and Eleanor had attended and participated in that class, although of course she had not been invited to attend - or participate, for that matter. So, as soon as she saw me cutting the butter into small pieces and let them fall into the flour, she knew immediately what came next, so she started insisting 'I want to do it, I want to do it'. So, I let her start rubbing the butter pieces into the flour, and then a few seconds later started to do it with her. She found that four hands in the bowl was a bit crowded, and she said to me in an impatient voice, 'Mom, you're in my way.' I've never had a two year old tell me I was in their way, especially when the two year old is the one who is supposed to be helping, not the other way around!

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